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The Haunting of Grief 6-Week Zoom Poetry Workshop, Starts Wednesday, May 1st, 2024
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$ 5,495.00

The Haunting of Grief 6-Week Zoom Poetry Workshop, Starts Wednesday, May 1st, 2024

Unit price per

Begins Wednesday, May 1st, 2024

Class will meet weekly via Zoom on Wednesdays, 6:30PM CST - 8:30PM CST.

Now Enrolling!

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Led by Saúl Hernández, a queer writer from San Antonio, TX, who was raised by undocumented parents. Saúl’s first poetry collection, How to Kill a Goat & Other Monsters, is forthcoming from the University of Wisconsin Press (March 2024). He has an MFA in Creative Writing from The University of Texas at El Paso and is the winner of the 2022 Pleiades Prufer Poetry Prize (judged by Joy Priest) and the 2021 Two Sylvias Press Chapbook Prize (judged by Victoria Chang). He's participated in MACONDO & Tin House Workshops.

Learn more about Saúl in our Meet the Teaching Artist series.

Grief has the ability to lock our emotions, thoughts, and body in ways we may not have known could be possible. Yanyi said it best in their book, The Year of Blue Water, “There are places I can’t go, like outside my body.”

In this course, we will explore grief through poetry: What shapes do our bodies take, how do we process grief, what does grief look like for each of us, and how do we mend what we can’t see?

In our six weeks together, we will also explore what remains lingering before, during, and after death: How does society view death, how does a community grieve, and how do we, as a collective, approach such a vulnerable topic?

Throughout our time together, we will read poems from Victoria Chang, Eduardo C. Corral, Marcelo Hernandez Castillo, Ocean Vuong, Susan Nguyen, jj peña, and Yanyi, among others.

We will discuss form, white space, imagery, the speaker’s voice, and ultimately, what is at risk in each poem.


Week 1: What does grief look like?

Week 2: How do we process grief?

Week 3: How do we live & move with grief?

Week 4: Workshop

Week 5: Workshop

Week 6: Workshop


  • How grief is able to move us in the world.
  • Creating beauty out of grief.
  • Learn about other poets and what they have done with their grief.


This class meets weekly via Zoom. Come prepared for an engaging and inspiring class with live interaction on Zoom each week and plenty of writing, reading, and talking.


You can pay for the course in full or use Shop Pay or Affirm to pay over time with equal Monthly Payments. Both options are available at checkout.
  • Instructor: Saúl Hernández
  • Begins Wednesday, May 1st, 2024
  • Class will meet weekly via Zoom on Wednesdays, 6:30PM CST - 8:30PM CST.

Contact us HERE if you have any questions about this class.

Instructor Saúl Hernández is a queer writer from San Antonio, TX who was raised by undocumented parents. Saúl has an MFA in Creative Writing from The University of Texas at El Paso. Saúl’s first poetry collection, How to Kill a Goat & Other Monsters, is forthcoming March 2024, University of Wisconsin Press. He's the winner of both 2022 Pleiades Prufer Poetry Prize (judged by Joy Priest) & the 2021 Two Sylvias Press Chapbook Prize (judged by Victoria Chang). He's a finalist for Palette Poetry 2020 Spotlight Award & a finalist for the 2019 Submerging Writer Fellowship, Fear No Lit; semi-finalists for the 2018 Francine Ringold Award for New Writers, Nimrod Literary Journal. His poems have been nominated for a Pushcart Prize & Best of The Net. Saúl’s work is forthcoming/featured in Pleiades, Split This Rock, Frontier Poetry, Poet Lore, Foglifter Journal, Oyster River Pages, Cherry Tree, Atlanta Review, Quarterly West, PANK Magazine, Pidgeonholes, The Acentos Review, Cosmonauts Avenue, Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, The Normal School, Rio Grande Review, and Adelaid Literary Magazine. He's participated in MACONDO & Tin House Workshops. He currently lives in San Antonio, TX.