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Writing Real Female Rage 4-Week Zoom Seminar, Starts Wednesday, June 12th, 2024
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Writing Real Female Rage 4-Week Zoom Seminar, Starts Wednesday, June 12th, 2024

Unit price per

Begins Wednesday, June 12th, 2024

Class will meet weekly via Zoom on Wednesdays, 7:00PM EST - 9:00PM EST.

Now Enrolling!

Any questions about this class? Use the Chat Button (lower left) to talk with us.

Led by Sarah Hosseini, who has written reported features and essays for The Atlantic, CNN, Harper’s Bazaar, The Washington Post, among other publications. She also delivered a TEDx talk, “Not Sorry,” on the stage in New Delhi, India, encouraging women to use their unapologetic voices.

Historically, stories about women's rage have gotten a bad rap. We're told to be more agreeable, polite, likable, quiet, obedient, happy, acquiescent, and silent. As if there is some reward or badge of honor for acting unbothered in our lives, and in our writing. Of course, this is even more true for Black women, individuals who identify as LGBTQIA+, and women who are disabled.

But getting to know our anger, befriending it, and putting language to it is crucial for our lives and culture. It is essential to literature.

In this course, open to all levels, we will learn how to unapologetically write about our anger, explore cultural expectations of emotional voice and tone, unpack the politics and power systems that block and discourage women's anger, and the different "rage craft styles" of writers in fiction and non-fiction.

We will discuss the major differences between writing raw rage and processed rage. We hold a responsibility to our readers to be in control of our writing and our fury. By the end, participants will better understand their "WHY" for writing about their anger, what it will take to get as close to the "fire" as possible, and a list of publications to submit their work.

Class meetings will be held over video chat, using Zoom accessed from our private class page.


*Note: Suggested course reading is not compulsory or required to participate fully in the course.

  • The Uses of Anger by Audre Lorde
  • Red Clocks by Leni Zumas
  • Eloquent Rage by Brittney Cooper
  • Bitch Doctrine by Laurie Penny
  • Blow Your House Down by Gina Frangello
  • Rage Becomes Her by Soraya Chemaly
  • Burn it Down Edited by Lilly Dancyger
  • Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
  • Good and Mad by Rebecca Traister
  • Fed Up by Gemma Hartley
  • My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite
  • Whisper Network by Chandler Baker
  • I Used to Insist I Didn’t Get Angry. Not Anymore by Leslie Jamison
  • Intercourse by Andrea Dworkin


  • Crafting rage writing in a way that feels authentic to you, your story, your setting, and "characters".
  • Unblocking shame/resistance to rage or angry writing and working through feelings of fear and not being "socially acceptable".
  • Turning lived experience with rage on the spectrum of personal experiences, discrimination, witnessing discrimination.
  • Hone in on the publications you wish to publish your rage writing and pitch them effectively.


Week 1: We will explore cultural expectations of women's anger & literary blocks, establishing your unique WHY for rage writing, releasing shame, guilt, and taboos around your anger, unleashing your anger and befriending it.

Week 2: Crafting your rage, Fiction vs. Non-fiction, finding your work a home, pitching and finding your work a home.

Week 3: Embodying your rage, using poetry techniques to tap into the sensory experience of rage, creating your rage ritual (your muse techniques), and processing your rage outside of writing to create a responsible experience for the reader.

Week 4: Marketing and promoting rage writing, building a platform, and releasing your rage (for rest).


Students will receive generative lists of: viable story ideas, list of details they are willing and not willing to disclose, potential publications they will pitch, names & contact info for editors they will pitch, and short in-class writing exercises/prompts.

Students can expect to read a few excerpts before class each week and complete at least five short generative writing exercises. Due to the nature of rage writing and respecting everyone’s comfort level, submissions will not be shared with other workshop participants. However, students may submit one rage-focused pitch OR one rage-focused excerpt (one-page max) to the instructor and receive brief written feedback.


This class meets weekly via Zoom. Come prepared for a super fun class with live interaction on Zoom each week and plenty of writing, reading, and talking!

Tuition is $299. You can pay for the course in full  or use Shop Pay or Affirm to pay over time with equal Monthly Payments. Both options are available at checkout.
  • Instructor: Sarah Hosseini

  • Class Starts Wednesday, June 12th, 2024

  • Course is fully ONLINE and will meet weekly via Zoom on Wednesdays from 7:00PM EST - 9:00PM EST.

  • Tuition is $299.

Contact us HERE if you have any questions about this class.