A Giant List of Places Submit Your Flash Fiction, Nonfiction, and Prose Poetry
by Writing Workshops Staff
3 years ago

To celebrate our upcoming One-on-One Flash Fiction Mentorship with Tommy Dean, Editor-in-Chief at Fractured Lit and Uncharted Magazine, we wanted to pass along a giant list of places where you can submit your flash fiction, nonfiction, and prose poetry.
In fact, many of Tommy Dean's mentees have been published in these magazines, including Smokelong Quarterly, Pithead Chapel, Maudlin House, X-R-A-Y Literary Magazine, New World Writing, Fictive Dream, 2021 Wigleaf Top 50 longlist, WOW! Women on Writing Spring 2021 Flash Fiction Contest winner, Bending Genres, jmww, Best Small Fictions 2021, The Los Angeles Review, Longleaf Review, and elsewhere.
So take a look at the magazines below and get your work ready to go! In the meantime, happy writing! And, if you're looking for a class in fiction, poetry, nonfiction, or screenwriting, we've got you covered.
100 Word Story | 5x5 | *82 review | The Adroit Journal | AGNI | Anomaly | Atlas + Alice | Atticus Review | Authylum | autofocus | Back Patio Press | Baltimore Review | Barren Magazine | beestung | Bending Genres | Booth | Brevity | Burningword Literary Journal | The Chattahoochie Review | CHEAP POP | Cherry Tree | Chestnut Review | Cincinnati Review (miCRos) | Citron Review | Cleaver Magazine | The Collagist (The Rupture) | The Common | Construction | CP Quarterly | CRAFT | Creative Nonfiction | Cutbank | decomp | Deep Wild Journal | defunct | DIAGRAM | Drunk Monkeys | Electric Lit (The Commuter) | Ellipsis Zine | elsewhere mag | Empty House Press | Ethel Zine | Fairy Tale Review | FEED | FIVE:2:ONE | The Florida Review | Foglifter | Foliate Oak | The Forge | F(r)iction | Fugue | Gigantic Sequins | Gordon Square Review | Guernica | Gulf Coast | Hippocampus | Hobart | Honey Literary | HOOT | humana obscura | Hunger Mountain | Ilanot Review | Indiana Review | Invisible City | Jellyfish Review | JMWW | Juked | Kenyon Review | The Lindenwood Review | Longleaf Review | Lost Balloon | Lunch Ticket | MacQueens Quinterly | (mac)ro(mic) | matchbook | Monkeybicycle | MoonPark Review | multiplicity | The Nasiona | Native Skin | New Delta Review | New Orleans Review | New South Journal | Nightmare Magazine | Ninth Letter | No Contact | The Offing | On the Seawall | Paper Darts | Parhelion | Passages North | perhappened mag | Pidgeonholes | The Pinch | Pine Hills Review | Pithead Chapel | Porter House Review | Post Road | Proximity | Real Story UK | Redivider | Rejection Letters | River Teeth (Beautiful Things) | Ruminate | Schuylkill Valley Journal | Second Chance Lit | Seneca Review | Sidereal Magazine | Signal Mountain Review | Sleet Magazine | SmokeLong | Sonora Review | Splintered Disorder Press | Split Lip | Spry Lit | Stonecrop Review | The Sun | Sundog Lit | Superstition Review | Sweet Literary | Sycamore Review | Tahoma Literary Review | Thorn Literary Magazine | Thread | Threadcount | Tinderbox | Tiny Essays | TriQuarterly | Turnpike Magazine | Unbroken Journal | Under the Gum Tree | Water-Stone Review | Waxwing | Whale Road Review | Wildness (Platypus Press) | X-R-A-Y