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Student S. Koji Callaghan Published in Grain Magazine!

by Writing Workshops Staff

3 years ago

Student S. Koji Callaghan Published in Grain Magazine!

by Writing Workshops Staff

3 years ago

S. Koji Callaghan, a student in Literary Agent Christopher Hermelin's Publishing Seminar: Getting Your Query Letter Right, has a short story titled "Colic" in the new issue of Grain Magazine (Vol. 49.1; Fall, 2021)! Congratulations, Koji! And thank you for letting us be a small part of your writing journey.
Of Christopher Hermelin's three week workshop, Koji said, "Getting direct feedback from a practicing professional was invaluable."
This year he would like to finish two novels, get them in publishable form next year, and keep working on and publishing short fiction.
About S. Koji Callaghan
I love everything from John Scalzi to Sally Rooney to Gabriel Garcia Marquez to Malcolm Gladwell to Kate DiCamillo, but I hold special spots in my soul for Alice Munro and Ted Chiang. I've noticed a strong Freudian bent in much of what I write recently. I keep trying to neutralize it with excursions into French Theory (Deleuze, Foucault, Bataille, etc.) and Russian formalism. Currently working on historical fiction/SF crossover novel (a la Connie Willis) about 16th Century Japan and a people's search for a home that charts an alternative to the modern way of life as we know it.
BIO: S. Koji Callaghan has had short stories published in Grain Magazine and Existere, the Journal of Arts and Literature. His flash fiction was longlisted for the Fractured Lit Anthology Prize (2021). His one-act play, "No. Please-," was published with NeWest Press. He holds a doctoral degree in Japanese literature from the University of Toronto.
About Grain Magazine

Grain, the journal of eclectic writing, is a literary quarterly that publishes engaging, eclectic, and challenging writing and art by Canadian and international writers and artists. Every issue features superb new writing from both developing and established writers. Each issue also highlights the unique artwork of a different visual artist. Grain has garnered national and international recognition for its distinctive, cutting-edge content and design. Grain is published by the Saskatchewan Writers' Guild and is printed and bound in Canada by Houghton Boston in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.


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