Beyond Da Da: How to Write Surrealistic Poems Zoom Seminar, Saturday, November 2nd, 2024
Saturday, November 2nd, 2024
Live Seminar via Zoom from 12:00PM - 2:30PM Central
Now Enrolling!
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Instructor Millicent Borges Accardi, a Portuguese American writer, has four poetry collections including Only More So (Salmon) and the recent Quarantine Highway. Among her awards are fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, California Arts Council, CantoMundo, Fulbright, Foundation for Contemporary Arts NYC, and Barbara Deming Foundation, “Money for Women.” She lives in Topanga, CA and is a mentor in the Adroit summer program and AWP's Mentor to Mentor. She also curates Kale Soul for the Soul, a reading series. She holds degrees in English and literature from CSULB and USC.
Learn more about Millicent in our Meet the Teaching Artist series.
Surrealism as an art form is far more than an ancient Dadaist movement: Surrealism is also a fun technique for perceiving and representing the world in ways that transcend normative perspectives.
Using poetic techniques (word games, intellectual assaults) from the Surrealism Book of Games, this workshop will allow participants to be delighted and astonished by what they can do in only one workshop!
Stealing tools from the original surrealists, in fun group activities, we will generate magical sparks of creativity. Plus, every participant will go home with wonderful seeds for new poems!
This seminar is perfect for new, emerging, and established poets interested in a transformative, fun, generative workshop (yes, we will be writing!).
This is a seminar for the unexpected, for a moment of joy captured in a short time. For the unpolished gem. Indeed, surrealism is more than a parlor game. Each participant will leave with a seedling for a new poem and new-found sense of poetic "playfulness."
During our time in class, we'll read and explore examples of surrealistic poetry (past and current).
- At least 3 new poems, and poetic fun AND inspiration
This two and a half hour Zoom seminar includes 2 surrealism games, word lists, writing, sharing, and more!
Instructor: Millicent Borges Accardi
The class is on Saturday, November 2nd, 2024
Live Seminar via Zoom from 12:00PM - 2:30PM Central
- Tuition is $75 USD.
If you have questions, please use the Chat Button or contact us via email HERE.