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Alumni Spotlight: Cynthia Stock

by Writing Workshops Staff

3 years ago

Alumni Spotlight: Cynthia Stock

by Writing Workshops Staff

3 years ago

Today, we're catching up with Cynthia Stock. During a forty-three-year Critical Care nursing career, Cynthia pursued creative writing through various institutions and mentors. She enjoys being a seventy-year-old who drinks wine, contemplates the narratives in Joni Mitchell and Prince lyrics, and writes fiction gleaned from fragments of an ordinary life.

Cynthia's work has appeared in Memoryhouse, Shark Reef, The Manifest-Station, and Lunch Ticket Amuse Bouche, as well as several anthologies.

Read new work from Cynthia in Lunch Ticket.

Cynthia has taken our Advanced Fiction workshop with Jenny Bhatt, Finding Your Voice in Midlife with Lynne Golodner, and more. Cynthia said, "Classes give me the feeling of belonging to a community with common interests and an appreciation of the art of language. The realization that I was not alone in this crazy passion to write is the greatest takeaway from my classes."

Cynthia's career in nursing, her experiences as a competitive swimmer, wrestling with personal demons, and a love of the written word drive many of her stories. She is in the process of revising two short stories and in the middle of a first draft about aging.

We're rooting for you, Cynthia! Thank you for letting us be part of your writing journey!

BIO: During her career in Critical Care nursing, Cynthia Stock pursued writing through UT Dallas, SMU, and The Writer’s Garret, publishing The Final Harvest of Judah Woodbine in 2014. When she discovered Writing Workshops Dallas, Blake Kimzey (her teacher and mentor) steered her creativity in new directions. In 2018, her short stories appeared in SHARK REEF, Potato Soup Journal, and the I AM STRENGTH anthology (Blind Faith Books). In August, she will have a personal essay in HerStry. Cynthia identifies as a late bloomer in the craft of writing and is gratified by the acceptance of “The Properties of Mercy.”


Do you want to be featured in our Alumni Spotlight? If so, get in touch here.

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