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Student Veena K. Siddharth Published in Hippocampus Magazine

by Writing Workshops Staff

3 years ago

Student Veena K. Siddharth Published in Hippocampus Magazine

by Writing Workshops Staff

3 years ago

Veena K. Siddharth, a student in Kate Hill Cantrill's Writing About Family 6-Week Zoom Workshop, has an essay she worked on in class titled "Floating" that was recently published, which is very exciting! You can read Veena's essay in Hippocampus Magazine!

Congratulations, Veena! And thank you for letting us be a small part of your writing journey!

BIO: Veena K. Siddharth was born in Massachusetts and emigrated to Canada and India before returning to the United States. A peripatetic childhood prepared her for a life of observing cultures from the outside. She has worked as a human rights advocate and development professional in Nepal, India, Malawi, Zambia, Nicaragua, and Honduras among other countries. She is now based in Costa Rica, where she lives with her husband, daughter, and son. Her current project is to study the impact of the pandemic on migrant women in Costa Rica.



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