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WritingWorkshops.com is now an Official Education Partner of Electric Literature!

by Writing Workshops Staff

A year ago

WritingWorkshops.com is now an Official Education Partner of Electric Literature!

by Writing Workshops Staff

A year ago

As of March 2023, we are thrilled to announce that WritingWorkshops.com is now an official education partner of Electric Literature! As a nonprofit digital publisher, Electric Literature is dedicated to making literature more exciting, relevant, and inclusive. They publish work that is intelligent and unpretentious, elevating new voices, and examining how literature and storytelling can help illuminate social justice issues and current events. Their mission is right in line with our own here at WritingWorkshops.com, which is why we are so excited to partner with them.

As an official education partner of Electric Literature, WritingWorkshops.com will offer online creative writing classes in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and publishing. Our courses are designed to help writers of all levels improve their craft and achieve their writing goals. Our experienced instructors provide personalized feedback and guidance to help students develop their skills and grow as writers. And with our online format, you can learn from anywhere in the world, on your own schedule.

We are particularly excited about this partnership because of Electric Literature's commitment to publishing work that operates at the intersection of different cultures, genres, and media. We believe that writing is at its most powerful when it explores the complexities of the human experience, and we look forward to working with Electric Literature to help writers do just that.

We encourage you to check out Electric Literature's website and read the amazing work they publish.

And if you're looking to improve your own writing, we hope you'll consider taking one of our online classes. With WritingWorkshops.com and Electric Literature, you can take your writing to the next level.

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