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Student Rosanna Staffa Wins TSR Nonfiction Prize!

by Writing Workshops Staff

4 years ago

by Writing Workshops Staff

4 years ago

Congratulations to Rosanna Staffa, alumni of James Tate Hill's nonfiction class. She is the winner of The Southampton Review's 2020 Nonfiction Prize for her excellent piece, "Holy". Read Rosanna's prize-winning work HERE.

ABOUT ROSANNA STAFFA: she is an Italian-born author and has been awarded a McKnight Fellowship and a Jerome Grant. She received an honorable mention in the 2019 Tiferet Writing Contest and was a finalist for both the 47th New Millennium Writing Awards and the the 2019 Masters Review anthology. Her work has appeared in publications such as The Sun, Tampa Review, and The Louisville Review, among many others. She holds a PhD in Modern Foreign Languages from Statale University in Milan and an MFA in Fiction from Spalding University. She’s recently completed a novel. www.rosannastaffa.com

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