by Writing Workshops Staff
2 years ago
Congratulations to workshop alum Cynthia Stock! She has new writing in the latest issue of Big City Lit, which you can read here.
Cynthia was also recently named Honorable Mention in the 2022 Winning Writers Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest!
BIO: Cynthia Stock retired after 43 years in Critical Care Nursing. During her career she pursued creative writing through various institutions and mentors. She enjoys being a 71-year-old who writes fiction and nonfiction gleaned from fragments of an ordinary life. Short works have appeared in Memoryhouse, Shark Reef, The Manifest-Station, Lunch Ticket a-la-carte, HerStry, as well as several anthologies. The Final Harvest of Judah Woodbine was published in 2014; it follows the challenges faced by a polio survivor long before PTSD was identified, including the accidental shooting of his wife. Her current work in progress is autofiction, Clocked Out: A Nurse's Life After Hours.