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The Language of Creating Belief in Fiction

by Writing Workshops Staff

3 years ago

The Language of Creating Belief in Fiction

by Writing Workshops Staff

3 years ago

The Language of Creating Belief in Fiction is a new 4-Week Zoom Workshop led by novelist Jaye Viner that starts November 7th.

Whether you're writing a crumbling dystopian society, a maniacal dictator, a secluded cult, or even crafting your own religion, language plays an instrumental role in the way people identify with a group.

This generative writing class will look at 'cultish' language structures and the different kinds of thoughts, iconography, and catch-phrases that can be used to construct off the grid societies, fervent followers, believable state propaganda.

We will look at passages from Dune, The HandMaid's Tale, Gather the Daughters, and the non-fiction book, Cultish, by Amanda Montell, as models to create our own systems of language and power. 

In this generative 4-week workshop you can expect the following in each class:

  • Knowledge of the way language works on human nature to amplify our desire for belonging.
  • Examples of real life and famous fictional belief language systems, and exercises to develop students' own writing.
  • The beginnings of a language and value system for the writer's own fiction project.
  • A safe, supportive space to tell your story and grow as a writer

More info and registration here.

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