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The Big Texas Read Featured in Poets&Writers Magazine and The Dallas Morning News!

by Blake Kimzey

4 years ago

by Blake Kimzey

4 years ago

We are thrilled and humbled with the response we've seen so far to The Big Texas Read, a partnership between Writing Workshops Dallas and Gemini Ink. So far, TBTR has been featured in Poets&Writers, The Dallas Morning News, and the San Antonio Express-News. We’ll be reading ONE work of prose or poetry written by a Texas author every 1-2 months from now until the bug is squashed! We’ll be with you all the way from page one to “THE END” with our Zoom author chats and Q&A’s, scheduled every two weeks. Think of it as a big virtual book club, only you get to stay home, mix a cocktail, eat a big piece of chocolate cake, and snuggle up on the sofa. We’ll start with TBTR Co-Founder David Samuel Levinson’s TELL ME HOW THIS ENDS WELL, a novel as much about the times in which we live as it is timeless. After David, we'll feature New York Times bestselling novelist Kathleen Kent, Texas Poet Laureate 2020 Emmy Pérez, and more to come! Make sure you RSVP for The Big Texas Read and find your literary community online!

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