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Canadian Literary Magazines Open to Submissions

by Writing Workshops Staff

2 years ago

Canadian Literary Magazines Open to Submissions

by Writing Workshops Staff

2 years ago

Here is a giant list of Canadian literary magazines open to submissions. In many cases, submissions are open year round, though guidelines are subject to change. You do not have to be a Canadian citizen to submit to most of these magazines. Polish your manuscript and submit it to one of these great publications and find an international readership (and, if you're looking for a class in fiction, poetry, nonfiction, or screenwriting, we've got you covered):

AE Science Fiction
Accepts: Fiction, reviews, visual art
Submission period: Year round
Payment: $0.10 per word (minimum of $20 for very short tales), $50-$300 per illustration

Agnes and True
Accepts: Fiction
Submission period: Year round

The Antigonish Review
Accepts: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
Issues per year: 4
Submission period: Year round
Payment: $50 plus two copies

antilang. Magazine
Accepts: poetry, short/flash fiction, creative nonfiction, comics and collaborations across media
Issues per year: 3
Submission period: Year round

Arc Poetry Magazine
Accepts: Poetry, pitches for reviews and essays are also accepted
Issues per year: 3
Submission period: April-July; Sept.-Dec.
Payment: $50 per page, one copy of the issue

Augur Magazine
Accepts: Fiction, poetry, nonfiction, comics
Issues per year: 3
Submission period: See dates
Payment: $0.06 cents per word for fiction, $60 for flash fiction, $40 for poems, $50 per page for comics

Blank Spaces
Accepts: Fiction, nonfiction, art, photo essay
Issues per year: 4
Submission period: Year round

Accepts: Literary nonfiction
Issues per year: 2
Submission period: See dates
Payment: $55–660, plus two contributor copies and a one-year subscription

Canadian Literature
Accepts: Poetry, reviews
Issues per year: 4
Submission period: Year round
Payment: Honorarium for poetry

Canadian Notes & Queries
Accepts: Nonfiction
Issues per year: 3
Submission period: Year round

Accepts: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Issues per year: 2
Submission period: Year round
Payment: $5 per page, one copy of the issue

The Capilano Review
Accepts: Poetry
Issues per year: 3
Submission period: See dates
Payment: $50 per published page to a maximum of $150

The Carousel
Accepts: Fiction, poetry
Issues per year: 2
Submission Period: January and September (see dates)
Payment: $55 for 1-4 pages, $100 for five or more pages, a two-issue subscription which includes the copy with the submitted work

Carte Blanche
Accepts: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Issues per year: 3
Submission period: Spring and Fall
Payment: Honorarium per submission

Accepts: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry and art
Issues per year: 1
Submission period: Spring
Payment: Honorarium per submission

Cloud Lake Literary
Accepts: Fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, children's literature and visual art
Issues per year: 2
Submission period: Year round
Payment: $50 per page to a maximum of $150 for fiction, creative nonfiction, children's literature and poetry upon publication.  $50 per submission for visual art

Contemporary Verse 2: The Canadian Journal of Poetry and Critical Writing (CV2)
Accepts: Poetry, nonfiction, interviews, reviews
Issues per year: 4
Submission period: Sept. 1 through May 31
Payment: $30 per poem, $50-$100 for interviews and articles, $40-$150 for essays, $40-$80 for reviews, two copies of the issue

The Dalhousie Review
Accepts: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Issues per year: 3
Submission period: Year round
Payment: Two copies of the issue

Dreamers Creative Writing
Accepts: Fiction, nonfiction, autofiction, poetry, book reviews
Issues per year: 2
Submission Period: Year-round
Payment: $20 honorarium, two copies of the issue

Accepts: Fiction, poetry, nonfiction
Issues per year: 3
Submission periods: August to September, December to January
Payment: $35 per page ($40 for poetry), up to $500

Accepts: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translation, drama, visual art
Issues per year: 4
Submission period: Year round
Payment: 5¢ per word, one copy of the issue

Accepts: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, visual art
Issues per year: 2
Submission period: Year round
Payment: Honorarium, one copy of the issue

The Feathertale Review
Accepts: Fiction, poetry, cartoons
Issues per year: 2
Submission period: Year round
Payment: Payment if submission is published in print

Femke Magazine
Accepts: Essays, reviews, fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, illustrations, comics
Issues per year: Online (1 annual print edition)
Submission period: Year round
Payment: $0.06 cents per word, $40 for poems, $50 per page for comics, $25-$200 for illustrations

The Fiddlehead
Accepts: Fiction, poetry
Issues per year: 4
Submission period: Year round
Payment: $60 per published page, two copies of the issue

filling station
Accepts: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, visual art
Issues per year: 3
Submission period: Year round
Payment: $25 honorarium, complimentary 3-issue subscription, discount on future renewals and subscriptions

Freefall Magazine
Accepts: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, book reviews, art
Issues per year: 3
Submission period: See dates
Payment: $10 per page to a maximum of $100, one copy of the issue

Funicular Magazine
Accepts: Fiction, poetry
Issues per year: 3
Submission period: Year round
Payment: Yes

Fusion Fragment
Accepts: Fiction
Submission period: Year round
Payment: Yes

Accepts: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Issue per year: 4
Submission period: Year round

Accepts: Fiction, literary nonfiction, poetry
Issues per year: 4
Submission period: Sept. 1 to May 31
Payment: $50 per page to a maximum of $250, two copies of the issue

Grey Ghost Review
Accepts: Fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, plays, reviews, visual art
Issues per year: 4
Submission period: Year round

The Hart House Review
Accepts: Fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, visual art
Issues per year: 1
Submission period: Fall

Hamilton Arts & Letters
Accepts: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
Issues per year: 2
Submission period: Spring and fall
Payment: Honorarium

Hamilton Review of Books
Accepts: Reviews, essays, interviews
Issues per year: 2
Submission period: Year round
Payment: $50 per review, $75 per essay or interview

Accepts: Fiction, nonfiction
Issues per year: Online (1 annual print edition)
Submission period: See dates

Accepts: Short fiction
Issues per year: 1
Submission period: See dates
Payment: $50 to $200 per story, two copies of the issue

Humber Literary Review
Accepts: Fiction, personal essays, poetry, visual art
Issues per year: 2
Submission period: See dates
Payment: $100, two copies of the issue

The Impressment Gang
Accepts: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
Issues per year: 3
Submission period: See dates
Payment: $25, two copies of the issue

Into the Void
Accepts: Fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, visual art
Issues per year: 4
Submission period: Year round

Literary Review of Canada
Accepts: Poetry, nonfiction, reviews
Issues per year: 10
Submission period: Year round

long con magazine
Accepts: Poetry (3 to 5 pages), fiction (3 to 10 pages, single-spaced), and translation submissions should be unpublished in print or online. Do not publish essays, reviews, or creative non-fiction.
Issues per year: 4
Submission period: Year round

The Mackinac
Accepts: Poetry
Issues per year: 3-4
Submission period: Year round

MacroMicroCosm Literary & Art Journal
Accepts: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Issues per year: 4
Submission period: Year round

The Malahat Review
Accepts: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Issues per year: 4
Submission period: Year round
Payment: $65 per published page, one-year subscription

The Maynard
Accepts: Poetry
Issues per year: 2
Submission period: Winter and summer

Minola Review
Accepts: Poetry, fiction and creative nonfiction
Issues per year: 4
Submission period: Year round
Payment: $20 per published piece

The Montreal Review
Accepts: Nonfiction, book reviews
Issues per year: 3
Submission period: Year round

Montreal Writes
Accepts: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art and photography
Issues per year: 12 (monthly)
Submission period: Year round

The Nashwaak Review
Accepts: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews
Issues per year: 2
Submission period: Year round

The New Quarterly
Accepts: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Issues per year: 4
Submission period: Year round
Payment: $250 for fiction and nonfiction, $40 for poetry

On Spec
Accepts: Fiction, poetry
Issues per year: 4
Submission period: See dates
Payment: Yes

PACE Magazine
Accepts: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, essays, reviews, photography, visual art
Issues per year: 4
Submission period: Year round

Accepts: Essays, fiction, poetry, reviews
Issues per year: 1
Submission period: Year round

Parentheses Journal
Accepts: Poetry, fiction and art
Issues per year: 2
Submission Period: See dates

Accepts: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, interviews
Issues per year: Online only
Submission period: Year round
Payment: $60 for prose, $25 for poetry

Prairie Fire
Accepts: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Issues per year: 4
Submission period: Year round
Payment: 10¢ per word for prose to various maximums, $40 for poetry

Prairie Journal of Canadian Literature
Accepts: Fiction, poetry, drama, literary criticism
Issues per year: 2
Submission period: Year round
Payment: Honorarium if submission is published in print

Prism International
Accepts: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama
Issues per year: 4
Submission period: Year round
Payment: $30 per printed page for prose, two copies of the issue

Pulp Literature
Accepts: Short fiction, poetry, graphic novels, illustrations
Issues per year: 4
Submission period: Year round
Payment: $0.015-$0.07 per word to various maximums for short stories, $25-$50 for poetry and interior illustrations, $25-$75 per page for sequential art (graphic novels and cartoons) and illustrations

The Puritan
Accepts: Fiction, poetry, essays
Issues per year: 4
Submission period: Year round
Payment: $100 

Queen's Quarterly
Accepts: Fiction, poetry, essays, reviews
Issues per year: 4
Submission period: Year round
Payment: Yes

Ricepaper Magazine
Accepts: Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, interviews, reviews, artwork
Issues per year: 4
Submission period: Year round

Riddle Fence
Accepts: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, artwork
Issues per year: 3
Submission period: Year round

Accepts: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, visual art
Issues per year: 4
Submission period: Year round
Payment: $50 for one page, $60 for two pages, $90 for three pages, $120 for four pages, $150 for five or more pages

Accepts: Fiction, non-fiction, essays, poetry, reviews, interviews
Issues per year: Online only
Submission period: Year round
Payment: $25 for fiction, creative nonfiction, and essays, $15 for poetry, book reviews, and interviews

Spadina Literary Review
Accepts: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, artwork, comics
Issues per year: 6
Submission period: Year round

Accepts: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Issues per year: 3
Submission period: Year round
Payment: $50 per page, $50 per poem

Taddle Creek
Genres: Fiction, poetry
Issues per year: 2
Submission period: Year round
Payment: $50 per page

The /tƐmz/ Review
Accepts: Fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry and reviews
Issues per year: 4
Submission Period: Year round
Payment: Yes

Understorey Magazine
Accepts: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry
Issues per year: 2-3
Submission period: Year round
Payment: $30-$60 honorarium

Accepts: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, comics, visual art
Issues per year: 2
Submission period: Year round
Payment: $10 honorarium

Accepts: Poetry, essays, reviews
Issues per year: 2
Submission Period: Year round
Payment: Yes

The Windsor Review
Accepts: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, artwork
Issues per year: 2
Submission Period: Year round

How to Get Published