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Carving Out Space in the Literary World with Chloe Caldwell

by Writing Workshops Staff

A year ago

Carving Out Space in the Literary World with Chloe Caldwell

by Writing Workshops Staff

A year ago

Congrats to Chloe Caldwell, who has a new book forthcoming from Graywolf Press! Chloe's new book, scheduled for publication in late 2024, is titled Orphaned Passages, Notes on Trying. It is a book of ruminations about trying, from trying to conceive a child to trying on pants to trying as a writer. 

Chloe talk about TRYING and more in her upcoming Zoom seminar: Carving Out Space In The Literary World on Sunday, May 7th, 2023.

Breaking into the literary world can feel isolating and daunting. In this Zoom seminar, Chloe will describe all of the ways she was able to carve out a place for her writing—she began with zero contacts, community, or writing degree. She will guide you in figuring out where to submit your writing, how to make writer-friends, and strategies for knowing where your book would fit on the shelf.

Chloe will share concrete and actionable ways to build a literary name for yourself. Places to submit, how to reach out to an agent, risk-taking, and building a writing community are a few of the topics that will be covered. There will be time for a Q & A and a few in-class exercises.

Using her personal experience, Chloe will frankly share the ins and outs of creating a writing career from the ground up, how to create something from nothing.

Learn more and register here.

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