Writing Mary Oliver 8-Week Online Poetry Class with Lauren Davis, Starts Wednesday, October 1st, 2025
Starts Wednesday, October 1st, 2025
Note: This class includes four 1-hour generative writing sessions on Zoom on October 1, 15, 29, and November 12 at 11:00-12:00 PM PST
Open to All writers!
Any questions about this class? Use the Chat Button (lower left) to talk with us.
Taught by Lauren Davis, author of the short story collection The Nothing (YesYes Books), the poetry collection Home Beneath the Church (Fernwood Press), the Eric Hoffer Grand Prize short-listed When I Drowned (Kelsay Books), and the chapbooks Each Wild Thing’s Consent (Poetry Wolf Press), The Missing Ones (Winter Texts), and Sivvy (Whittle Micro-Press). She holds an MFA from the Bennington College Writing Seminars. She is a former Editor in Residence at The Puritan’s Town Crier, and she is the winner of the Landing Zone Magazine’s Flash Fiction Contest. Her stories, essays, poetry, interviews, and reviews have appeared in numerous literary publications and anthologies, including Prairie Schooner, Spillway, Poet Lore, Ibbetson Street, Ninth Letter, and elsewhere.
Mary Oliver's poetry lives on, blessing her readers with hope and tenderness.
Mary Oliver was an “indefatigable guide to the natural world,” wrote Maxine Kumin in the Women’s Review of Books, “particularly to its lesser-known aspects.”
The Poetry Foundation celebrates Mary Oliver as a prolific writer of poetry and prose whose main themes focused on the intersection between the human and the natural world and the limits of human consciousness and language in articulating such a meeting.
During this workshop, the class will be provided with a variety of prompts inspired
by Oliver's writing. Participants will explore Oliver's writing advice and craft and
participate in discussions. Four one-hour generative writing sessions on Zoom are provided to help students put aside time to create new work.
By the end of the workshop, participants will have written up to twenty-one poems. Participants will also have received both instructor and peer feedback on five poems. Participants will leave with a deeper appreciation of Oliver's poetry and a handful of newly written and workshopped poems.
Note: This workshop utilizes strict deadlines to make sure all participants have the same amount of time to participate and provide feedback for each other.
- Week One: An Introduction to Mary Oliver's Work / Writing Prompts
- Week Two: Readings and Discussion / Writing Prompts / Turn in Poem
- Week Three: Readings and Discussion / Writing Prompts / Turn in Poem / Provide Feedback
- Week Four: Readings and Discussion / Writing Prompts / Turn in Poem / Provide Feedback
- Week Five: Readings and Discussion / Writing Prompts / Turn in Poem / Provide Feedback
- Week Six: Readings and Discussion / Writing Prompts / Turn in Poem / Provide Feedback
- Week Seven: Readings and Discussion / Writing Prompts / Turn in Poem / Provide Feedback
- Week Eight: Readings and Discussion / Provide Feedback
- Explore Oliver's writing advice and habits.
- Read and discuss Oliver's poetry.
- Create 21 new poems.
- Receive private instructor feedback on six poems.
- Receive and give peer feedback on six poems.
- Participate in four generative writing sessions on Zoom.
"This class exceeded my expectations. I loved all of the creative exercises we were given. I felt like I learned so much in a short amount of time." -former student
"I loved this class, particularly Lauren's suggestions to revise, break apart, and rethink words." -former student
"I'm so happy I signed up for this class. My favorite parts were Lauren's suggestions for intensive practice and her unusual revision techniques." -former student
"I loved Lauren's Break Your Poem class, and I found her ideas on rewriting your poem as a lipogram and fitting my poem into another poet's created form." -former student
"This class totally exceeded my expectations. Now I have so many more tools as a poet. I would highly recommend this class." -former student
"I loved how the exercises built on each other, and had potential to be blended. Five of five stars." -former student
Note: this class includes four 1-hour generative writing sessions on Zoom on October 1, 15, 29, and November 12 at 11:00-12:00 PM PST.
This class will also have an asynchronous classroom in Wet Ink, which means you complete the weekly assignments on your own schedule. There are no set meeting times in order to allow for greater participation; your cohort will consist of writers from across different time zones, which allows for a wonderful diversity of voices.
Along with your weekly deadlines, you can interact with Lauren and your peers within Wet Ink, our dedicated online classroom. Craft materials, lectures, reading assignments, and writing prompts are all available through the online classroom. Students can also post work and provide and receive feedback within the online classroom environment.
You can complete the work as you see fit week-to-week, so it is perfect for any schedule. Each week, discussion questions are inspired by the assigned readings and topics in the lecture notes. Students are encouraged to take these wherever is most compelling and/or useful for them. Lauren engages with these discussions throughout the week, and you will receive feedback from all assigned writing activities.
Wet Ink was built and designed specifically for online writing classes. Wet Ink is private, easy to use, and very interactive. You can learn more about the Wet Ink platform by Watching a Class Demo.
- Instructor: Lauren Davis
- Class starts Wednesday, October 1st, 2025
- This class includes four 1-hour generative writing sessions on Zoom on October 1, 15, 29, and November 12 at 11:00-12:00 PM PST
- Course is fully ONLINE; students can work according to their own schedule within weekly deadlines. Once you have enrolled the instructor will send you a link to our online classroom, provided via Wet Ink.
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