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Best Practices in Self-Publishing: How to Bet on Yourself Without Going Broke FREE Zoom Seminar, Sunday, June 2nd, 2024
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Best Practices in Self-Publishing: How to Bet on Yourself Without Going Broke FREE Zoom Seminar, Sunday, June 2nd, 2024

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Sunday, June 2nd, 2024

Live (FREE) Seminar Via Zoom 10:00AM CST – 12:30PM CST

Any questions about this class? Use the Chat Button (lower left) to talk with us.

Led by David Hopkins, a fantasy novelist with an interest in Shakespeare, medieval history, fairy tales, and myth. He is the author of The Dryad’s Crown, a story set in the vast world of Efre Ousel. David is a full member of SFWA (Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association) and founder of Cake and Prose. He’s also an instructor for the ArmadilloCon writers workshop in Austin.

Get to know David in our Meet the Teaching Artist series.

Everyone talks about how expensive it is to self-publish, but the biggest expense is making rookie mistakes. This workshop will help indie authors to increase their chances of success and to avoid the many pitfalls that come with self-publishing.

The problem with self-publishing is that everyone has their "formula for success," and they all differ. Unfortunately, many of them sound like an MLM pitch. The only thing worse than taking none of their advice is taking all of it. When you try to do everything, you end up spending too much money—and you don't increase your odds of being successful.

Even if you do everything right, every self-published author is taking a risk. As a result, there's a lot we can learn from gamblers. What are the top five mistakes they make most often? And how can we avoid those mistakes when self-publishing?

In this class, we'll create a publishing plan that begins a year in advance of your release date. We'll have an honest conversation about where to spend your money and where to NOT spend your money. We'll talk actual dollar amounts, so you have a clear understanding of what you're getting into.

And finally, we'll walk through the process on how to produce and distribute an ebook, paperback, or audiobook (and why you should wait to release a hardcover). This class will cover everything you want to know about self-publishing and how to do it without going broke.

Note: This class is not for authors who want to take a "rapid release" approach.


    • You want to self-publish your novel, and you want to produce something that looks good on the shelf.
    • You want to self-publish while managing a limited budget.
    • You want to mitigate risks while self-publishing.
    • You have questions about formatting and the various print-on-demand/direct sales platforms.


    The first section will be on the "top 5 mistakes gamblers make," and how it applies to self-publishing. The second section will be on putting together your self-publishing calendar and where to best spend your money. Then we'll have a ten-minute break. The next section will be on resources and processes. We'll discuss the basics of how to format a book, load it to Amazon and elsewhere. All the necessary hoops. The last section will be a Q&A. Ask anything!


    "The Self-Publishing seminar with David Hopkins was great. It was a compressed encyclopedia of Everything I Wish I Had Known A Year Ago! Now I have a blueprint to follow and I'm excited to get started." -former student

    "The Best Practices in Self-Publishing: How to Bet on Yourself Without Going Broke seminar with David Hopkins had a lot of very good information with a knowledgeable, amiable host. Good use of examples with support. No unnecessary 'fillers'. He covered A LOT in the amount of time that he had, and I will definitely recommend this class to other writers I know." -former student


    This class will meet via Zoom on Sunday, June 2nd, 2024 from 10:00AM CST – 12:30PM CST


    You can pay for the course in full or use Affirm to pay over time with equal Monthly Payments. Both options are available at checkout.
    • David Hopkins | Live via Zoom

    • Sunday, June 2nd, 2024

    • Live Seminar Via Zoom 10:00AM CST – 12:30PM CST

    Instructor David Hopkins is a fantasy novelist with an interest in Shakespeare, medieval history, fairy tales, and myth. He is the author of The Dryad’s Crown, a story set in the vast world of Efre Ousel. David is married to artist and designer, April Hopkins. They have two daughters, Kennedy and Greta, and a dog named Moose. David is a full member of SFWA (Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association) and founder of Cake and Prose. He’s also an instructor for the ArmadilloCon writers workshop in Austin.