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Confessional Writing From the Inside Out: a Generative Zoom Seminar, Wednesday, April 17th, 2024
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Confessional Writing From the Inside Out: a Generative Zoom Seminar, Wednesday, April 17th, 2024

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Wednesday, April 17th, 2024

Live Seminar Via Zoom 7:00PM – 9:30PM Eastern

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Led by Ashley Elizabeth (she/her), a Pushcart-nominated writer and teacher whose debut full-length collection, A Family Thing, is forthcoming from Redacted Books/ELJ Editions (August 2024). She is also the author of the chapbooks you were supposed to be a friend (Nightingale & Sparrow, 2020) and black has every right to be angry (Alternating Current, 2023). Ashley is also the Chapbook Editor with Sundress Publications.

Learn more about Ashley in our Meet the Teaching Artist series.

Allow your inner self to come out on the page. Confess something -- even if it's just to yourself.

Being our true selves can be hard, especially on paper. This Writing from the Inside Out seminar is geared to help our most authentic selves come out and provide a space to say what might be hard to say in a positive, supportive environment.

We will be writing, reading, and discussing what it means to tell our truths, how important it is to do so, and how to translate that truth to paper using various writing exercises.

This is not just for poets but for anyone who feels like they have something to say.

Students will be reading individual poems that fall under confessional writing. There are no full texts, but seminar attendees can expect to read excepts by Olivia Gatwood, Ebony Stewart, and others.


  1. Define confessional writing
  2. Read and discuss exemplar texts.
  3. Questions.
  4. Writing Time.
  5. Sharing if there is enough time


  • The definition of confessional writing.
  • Students will produce at least 3 drafts of new writing.
  • Students will also have a chance to share and get feedback.

This class will meet via Zoom.


You can pay for the course in full or use Affirm to pay over time with equal Monthly Payments. Both options are available at checkout.
  • Instructor: Ashley Elizabeth

  •  Wednesday, April 17th, 2024

  • Live Seminar Via Zoom 7:00PM – 9:30PM Eastern

  • The seminar is fully ONLINE and meets via Zoom

Instructor Ashley Elizabeth (she/her) is a Pushcart-nominated writer and teacher whose work has appeared in SWWIM, Voicemail Poems, Rigorous, and Sage Cigarettes, among others. Ashley's debut full-length collection, A Family Thing, is forthcoming from Redacted Books/ELJ Editions (August 2024). She is also the author of the chapbooks you were supposed to be a friend (Nightingale & Sparrow, 2020) and black has every right to be angry (Alternating Current, 2023). As co-founder of the Estuary Collective, Ashley strives to provide free to low-cost programming for femme-identifying BIPOC. When Ashley isn't teaching or working as the Chapbook Editor with Sundress Publications, she habitually posts on Twitter and Instagram (@ae_thepoet). She lives in Baltimore, MD with her partner and their cats. Ashley is Black before she is anything else.