by Writing Workshops Staff
A year ago

Workshop Carmen Dukes has new poetry published in the Fall/Winter 2023 issue of Impostor Journal, which is out now.
Carmen studied with poet Sarah Carson in her Write 30 Poems in 30 Days workshop, which she took in January 2023.
You can read Carmen's poem, "You know how I like a good rainstorm," right here.
Carmen writes, "This poem was written for the Epistle assignment in Sarah's 30 poems in 30 days class (January 2023). Thanks again Sarah for the great class, and thanks Blake for continuing to support and nurture writers like myself."
Thank you for letting us be part of your writing practice in 2023, Carmen! We are excited and thrilled by the work you are producing!
Carmen Dukes (she/her) is a writer, artist, lifelong student, and skateboarder who lives in Los Angeles. She spends her spare time admiring the magnificence of trees and watching egrets catch fish. She writes for two reasons. One, to stay off the internet, and two, to inspire others to create.