Alumni Spotlight: Dr. Tamara MC
by Writing Workshops Staff
3 years ago

Today, we're catching up with Dr. Tamara MC. She is a linguist and researches language, culture, and identity in the Middle East. She grew up in a cult and is a child domestic servant and child marriage survivor.
Tamara has attended several workshops, including Poets & Writers contributing editor Michael Bourne's class: How to Pitch to your Dream Publication. She recently had several pieces accepted for publication, including:
Salon has published her piece "I was in a cult. Britney was in a conservatorship. Our situations are crazy similar."
Parents Magazine has published her piece "I'm a Single Mom & I Retired at 48 by Downsizing to a Trailer."
The Independent has published her piece "I grew up in a cult and was married at 12 — in Texas."
Alama has published her piece "I Will Always Be Muslim and Jewish."
Tamara is currently revising her memoir, CHILD BRIDE, about her child marriage at 12. Her long term writing goals also include bylines in 3 of her top 10 publications.
Tamara had this to say about our classes: "I love the 3-month mentorships. I'm super excited about my mentorship with Chloe Caldwell. Also, Blake is such a joy to work with, so super understanding and flexible. "
BIO: Dr. Tamara MC is an Applied Linguist and Middle Eastern Studies scholar. She researches and writes about women and spirituality, specifically her hybrid identity of growing up simultaneously Jewish and Muslim on a Sufi commune in Texas. She attended Columbia University for an MFA in both poetry and creative nonfiction.
We're rooting for you, Tamara! Thank you for letting us be part of your writing journey.
Learn more about Tamara's work by visiting her website here.
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