Writing Workshops Hawaii 2024
Writing Workshops Hawaii brings together fiction and nonfiction writers for an intensive week of workshops, craft seminars, one-on-one conferences, and in-depth discussions on the craft and business of writing. Our program is inclusive, intentionally small, and will take place among towering evergreens and fragrant ocean breezes along Hawaii Island's North Kohala coast.
Each fiction and nonfiction workshop will have no more than 10 participants each. All writers will submit two completed pieces of writing. One submission will be workshopped by your cohort and instructor and a second piece will be submitted for your one-on-one meeting with your workshop leader. Daily craft talks are open to all participants and led by program staff or faculty.
Our workshops are open to writers who want to strengthen their voice, develop a greater understanding of craft, and forge a path to publication along the way. We take your writing seriously and place the highest importance on teaching the craft of writing so that students can produce meaningful and memorable work that has the opportunity to find a readership beyond the workshop.
Our mission is to bring your writing out of the wilderness and into community, and for a week every January we think there is no better place to do this than on 50 oceanfront acres of gardens, wild groves, and ancient valley trails at our workshop retreat. Scroll down for more details!

Applications for our January 2024 Hawaii workshops are closed.
2024 Workshop Dates:
January 21st - 26th, 2024
Though our admissions process is competitive and the quality of writing high, all interested writers are encouraged to apply.
Workshop Faculty
January 21st - 26th, 2024

Fiction Instructor Karen E. Bender is the author of two collections; Refund, which was a Finalist for the National Book Award, shortlisted for the Frank O'Connor International Story Prize, and Longlisted for the Story prize, and The New Order, which was Longlisted for the Story prize. A new collection is forthcoming. Her novels are Like Normal People and A Town of Empty Rooms. Her fiction has appeared in The New Yorker, Granta, Ploughshares, Zoetrope, The Yale Review, The Harvard Review, Story, Guernica, and others, have been reprinted in Best American Short Stories and Best American Mystery stories and won three Pushcart prizes. Her work has been read at the Selected Shorts program at Symphony Space and on Levar Burton Reads, She has taught for many highly regarded MFA programs, including the University of Iowa, Hollins University, and Warren Wilson College and currently teaches for the MFA Programs at SUNY Stony Brook and Alma College. Learn more about Karen here.

Nonfiction Instructor Robert Anthony Siegel is the author of a memoir, Criminals (Counterpoint,) and two novels. His work has appeared in The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, Smithsonian Magazine, The Paris Review, The Drift, The Oxford American, and Ploughshares, and has been anthologized in Best American Essays 2023, O. Henry Stories 2014, and Pushcart Prize XXXVI. He has been a Fulbright Scholar in Taiwan, a Mombukagakusho Fellow in Japan, a Writing Fellow at the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, and a Paul Engle Fellow at the Iowa Writers Workshop. He holds an MFA from the Iowa Writers Workshop, and a BA from Harvard. Learn more about Robert here.
Lodging at Hawaii Island Retreat
Immerse yourself in both comfort and inspiration for 6 days, 5 nights at Hawaii Island Retreat. This 4-star eco-boutique hotel and wellness spa is a place of intentional peacefulness, set among towering evergreens and ocean breezes along Hawaii Island's North Kohala coast. Including your own room, three delicious daily meals are included in your workshop tuition.
We selected The Hawaii Island Retreat specifically because of their commitment to green travel. Recognized by the Hawaiian Green Business Program as a leader in sustainability, you can learn more about their dedication to living in balance with the land here.
Class Size
Each fiction and nonfiction workshops will have no more than 10 participants each. All writers will submit two completed pieces of writing. One submission will be workshopped by your cohort and instructor and a second piece will be submitted for your one-on-one meeting with your workshop leader. Daily craft talks are open to all participants and led by program staff or faculty.

Workshop Schedule
3:00PM: Hotel check-in begins.
6:30PM: Dinner meet & greet.
Monday - Thursday
Mornings: Breakfast served. Workshops and one-on-one instructor meetings.
Afternoons/Evenings: Lunch Break followed by optional craft seminar, led by faculty or staff. Optional mid-afternoon activity followed by dinner.
8:00AM-9:00AM: Goodbye breakfast at Hawaii Island Retreat.
11:00AM: Final check-out.
Optional Afternoon Activities will be included throughout the week. Full schedule detailed below.

Tuition is $2,995 or $3,650 depending on room-type and includes the following:
- Lodging in your own room at Hawaii Island Retreat for 6 days, 5 nights
- Daily breakfast, lunch & dinner with faculty and staff
- Luau on Monday
- 4-day writing workshops in small groups of no more than 10 writers.
- Critical feedback on two writing submissions
- Several craft of writing and/or business of writing seminars
- One-on-one conference with faculty
- Optional afternoon activities
- Free shuttle pickup and drop off from Kona International Airport (KOA) on the first and last day of the workshop.
- The time of your life
- Payment Plans: accepted writers will have the option to pay their tuition in full or opt for a payment plan divided into equal monthly payments by selecting Affirm (for U.S. & Canadian residents) at checkout.
- Accommodations: 10 Hotel Room's are available (tuition will be $3,650 with hotel room accommodation) and 7 Yurt's are available (tuition will be $2,995 with Yurt accommodation). Yurts come with a private toilet and sink, but will utilize a shared private shower area. In the common shower area there are four private shower stalls, two indoor and two outdoor. Accommodations are first come, first serve, for accepted writers.
- FAQ at the bottom of this page.

2024 Workshop Detail

Hawaii Workshop Testimonials
"Best experience I've had as a writer. I have done writing workshops before, but nothing like this one. I received genuinely transformative feedback, knowledge, and social support around my writing and novel. I will always be grateful for all I gained, learned, and experienced in this workshop. I can wholeheartedly say that the amateur writer who came into this workshop is now a tremendously evolved amateur writer with a new lens on transferring thought into text. I learned so much about my own craft, and how to tailor the style, and plot points to better suit the story I want to tell. The adventures, authors, experiences, feedback, people, places and workshops were gratifyingly high quality. It felt safe being an amateur. I received transformative feedback on my current WIP which has greatly shifted the ways I write." -Enrique E.
"The workshop exceeded my expectations. The support from my group members was so helpful, but group cohesion was much better than I could have predicted. I looked at the week as a personal retreat, so the money was worth the time alone. And then being able to enjoy the grounds of the retreat and the company of other writers made it even better. I appreciated Brandon Hobson's generous feedback and the way he structured the workshops to allow specific and focused feedback. It was a lovely hotel with beautiful grounds and a great staff." -Margie D.
"I loved my first experience with Writing Workshops Hawaii. The teachers were amazing, the location was beautiful, and the community of writers were inspiring to be around. The entire trip was well thought out and organized, from the shuttles to the planned activities. For me it's not the destination, it's the workshop itself. I'll probably follow you anywhere." -Diane F.
"Brandon Hobson was very helpful and I’m returning home feeling inspired and re-invigorated. The week overall provided a great balance of structured group time and individual time. It was a fantastic experience and I’m glad I did it. I would 100% recommend Writing Workshops Hawaii!" - Aubrey M.
"Writing Workshops Hawaii was one of the most amazing gifts that I have ever given myself. I did not have to think of anything but writing and taking in the beauty and wisdom that Hawaii offers because everything was already done and thought of for me. All you have to do is show up. A truly magical and rejuvenating experience where you get to create, travel, and hangout with like-minded people. I will never be able to travel to Hawaii and do the touristy thing because I've been spoiled by Writing Workshops. And Diana Spechler made me feel like I have a seasoned writer on my side for life. I gained so much knowledge about the writing and publishing process on this trip. I also learned from Brandon Hobson and would recommend taking a course or at a retreat with either of them. I received an invaluable one-on-one with Diana. She had thorough feedback regarding my writing and also about publishing. Diana's time did not feel rushed and she tailored a plan for me based on my unique writing style and my desires as a writer. Diana is like the friend who succeeded and is willing to share all her secrets. I found the afternoon seminars extremely valuable. There were a lot of questions asked by other writers that I found helpful. If you're thinking about applying, you should!" -Corrie C.
Program Staff

Application & General FAQ
What is the application deadline?
Applications for our January 2024 Hawaii Workshops are now open. Early applications are encouraged. Click here to apply now.
What is your COVID policy?
It is the responsibility of attendees of Writing Workshops Hawaii 2024 to have the appropriate documentation required and to meet any COVID vaccination requirements implemented by the state of Hawaii.
If the state of Hawaii or the United States government forbids entry to the state of Hawaii for the scheduled dates of the January 2024 workshops, Writing Workshops will offer a full refund for program fees. Writing Workshops will not reimburse for any airline tickets or additional trip-related expenses incurred. If the Hawaii writing workshop takes place on the dates planned, no program fees will be reimbursed, regardless of attendance.
What will my application include?
- Brief bio informing us of your involvement in the writing and literary community, as well as any prior or forthcoming publications. (250 words max)
- Purpose statement explaining why you would like to participate in Writing Workshops Hawaii. You can also discuss current manuscripts or writing projects that you might choose to workshop. (500 words max.)
- Writing sample excerpt in fiction or nonfiction. This does not have to be published work, though that is acceptable, nor does it have to be a piece you plan to workshop. Complete works under the word count are not required; excerpts are acceptable. (Fiction/nonfiction: 2500 words max).
- Applications are open. Click here to apply now.
When will I know if I've been accepted to the workshop?
We cap our workshop participation at 10 writers in each genre cohort (fiction and nonfiction) for the week. Our goal is to provide an intimate, rigorous workshop environment so that participants can come to Hawaii and find meaningful connections and excellent feedback on their work. We will accept applicants on a rolling basis until each cohort is full and then begin waitlists. Due to the volume of applications and competitive acceptance, writers are encouraged to apply early. We employ a reading committee of professional writers and editors, and applicants will be notified after the application window closes.
How much does it cost?
Tuition is either $2,995 or $3,650 depending on room-type selected.
What is the difference in tuition price?
Tuition includes your own room and is either $2,995 or $3,650 depending on room-type selected. Ten (10) Hotel Room's are available (tuition will be $3,650 with hotel room accommodation) and seven (7) Yurt's are available (tuition will be $2,995 with Yurt accommodation). Yurts come with a private toilet and sink, but will utilize a shared private shower area. In the common shower area there are four private shower stalls, two indoor and two outdoor. Accommodations are first come, first serve, for accepted writers.
Are Payment Plans Available?
Yes. Accepted writers will have the option to pay their tuition in full or opt for a payment plan divided into equal monthly payments by selecting Affirm (for U.S. & Canadian residents) or Lay-Buy (for applicants inside or outside of North America) at checkout.
Are Scholarships Available?
Unfortunately, we do not have the ability to offer scholarships for this workshop. However, we do have payment plans available.
What does tuition include?
- Lodging in your own room at Hawaii Island Retreat for 6 days, 5 nights
- Daily breakfast, lunch & dinner with faculty and staff
- Luau on Monday
- 4-day writing workshops in small groups of no more than 10 writers, led by workshop faculty.
- Critical feedback on two writing submissions
- Several craft of writing and/or business of writing seminars
- One-on-one conference with faculty
- Free shuttle pickup and drop off from Kona International Airport (KOA) on the first and last day of the workshop.
- Optional afternoon activities
- The time of your life
- Note: accepted writers will have the option to pay their tuition in full or opt for a payment plan divided into equal monthly payments by selecting Affirm (for U.S. & Canadian residents) at checkout.
What is tuition payment schedule?
If your application is accepted, full tuition is due no later than 14 days after acceptance. You can pay your tuition in full or opt for a payment plan by selecting Affirm at checkout.
Where is the hotel and workshop venue?
Immerse yourself in both comfort and inspiration for 6 days, 5 nights at Hawaii Island Retreat. This 4-star eco-boutique hotel and wellness spa is a place of intentional peacefulness, set among towering evergreens and ocean breezes along Hawaii Island's North Kohala coast. Three delicious daily meals are included in your workshop tuition.
How late can I apply?
We will accept applications until the workshop is full.
What is your Refund policy?
Tuitionis nonrefundable 14 days after acceptance notification, regardless ofattendance. If a refund is requested up to 14 days after acceptancenotification, all but a $750 deposit will be refunded.
What will you do with my email?
We respect your privacy. We will only use your email to send you information about Writing Workshops. We won't sell or rent your email to other organizations.
I have a question not answered here.
Please contact us and we’ll reply promptly. You can also Chat with us (lower left of your screen).